Alt-Magic Recap — Episode 47: The Diadem

Alt-Magic Campaign Episode XLVII The Diadem Abraxas Silvermane the Wizard (Connor), Akkamas Mohaïva the Warlock (Mike), Braxton Chabbone the Spellbound Paladin (Steve), Jone Constance the Occult Detective (Aaron), Kelwyn the Druid (Rodney), Tim the Rogue/Ranger (Shaun), & the Dungeon Master (Bob) This Recap was written by Connor (Abraxas) The Hellblazers a awarded a much needed…

Alt-Magic Recap — Episode 46: Kas Must Be Fed

Alt-Magic Campaign Episode XLVI Kas Must Be Fed Abraxas Silvermane the Wizard (Connor), Akkamas Mohaïva the Warlock (Mike), Braxton Chabbone the Spellbound Paladin (Steve), Jone Constance the Occult Detective (Aaron), Kelwyn the Druid (Rodney), Tim the Rogue/Ranger (Shaun), & the Dungeon Master (Bob) This Recap was written by Connor (Abraxas) The Hellblazers are finally ready…

My Thoughts on “The Bells”

“The Bells” There was a lot to take in from last night’s penultimate episode of Game of Thrones. Daenerys’ descent into madness, both Tyrion and Jon’s horror as King’s Landing is razed and sacked, Varys’ execution, the Clegane Bowl, and Arya’s flight from vengeance. All stirring moments, some ringing true, while others faltered, but what…

Alt-Magic Recap — Episode 45: Soul Eater

Alt-Magic Campaign Episode XLV Soul Eater Abraxas Silvermane the Wizard (Connor), Akkamas Mohaïva the Warlock (Mike), Braxton Chabbone the Spellbound Paladin (Steve), Jone Constance the Occult Detective (Aaron), Kelwyn the Druid (Rodney), Tim the Rogue/Ranger (Shaun), & the Dungeon Master (Bob) The Hellblazers emerged cautiously from their hideaway inside the posh bedchamber they’d teleported into,…

My thoughts on “The Last of the Starks”

The Last of the Starks If there’s a criticism to be levied against Game of Thrones, particularly in the post-GRRM era the writers found themselves in, it is pacing. Too much is happening too fast, especially this season. I commented last week about the lightning resolution of the Night’s King plotline. A ninth season, even…

Alt-Magic Recap — Episode 44: The Splintered Stair

Alt-Magic Campaign Episode XLIV The Splintered Stair Abraxas Silvermane (Connor), *Akkamas Mohaïva (Mike), **Braxton Chabbone (Steve), *Jone Constance (Aaron), *Kelwyn (Rodney), & *Tim (Shaun) Abraxas summons The Hellblazers to the Blue Heron House, recently acquired by the wizard to suit his own ends, and gifts his companions several unique items. To Tim was given a…

My Thoughts on “The Long Night”

The Long Night Emotionally, the third episode f the season was very satisfying. There were moments of dark despair and unbridled triumph. There is no denying that I spent the night on the edge of my seat. The much talked about lighting of the episode, dark and full of terrors, ratcheted up the anxiety, which,…