#RPGaDay2022 Day 30 — 10th Anniversary?

DAY THIRTY WHAT SHOULD RPGaDAY DO FOR ITS 10TH ANNIVERSARY? Very sick today, so let’s keep this short. What to do for the 10th? I suggest a dungeon crawl of sorts. Something elaborate and over the top. When I feel better, I’ll draw something up and post examples, but I bet you’re already imagining what…

#RPGaDay2022 Day 29 — Who Would You Like to See Take Part in RPGaDay?

DAY TWENTY-NINE WHO WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE TAKE PART IN RPGaDay? I’m sure a lot of people are going to be scaring up various celebrities, game designers, CEOs, actual players, and the like for their answers to this questions. I’m not nearly that complicated. I’d like to see MY players become involved in this….

#RPGaDay2022 Days 22-27 — Character

DAYS TWENTY-TWO — TWENTY-SEVEN PLAYER CHARACTER WEEK This week’s questions for RPGaDay all center around PLAYER CHARACTERS which, sadly, I cannot answer, because I spend my time on the other side of the screen. Very satisfyingly so, but, nevertheless… I thought about writing about a particular NPC, but really, little point in that. Instead I’m…

#RPGaDay2022 Day 21 — An Intriguing Detail

DAY TWENTY-ONE AN INTRIGUING DETAIL FROM A FAVORITE GAME SETTING In Occult Detective: The Roleplaying Game, during character creation, a Natural or Preternatural Protagonist draws a card from the Occult Detective Tarot Deck until they come to one of the Major Arcana . This card gives a Natural an Esoteric Resistance, while a Preternatural receives…

#RPGaDay2022 Day 20 — How Long?

DAY TWENTY HOW LONG DO YOU PLAY? How long? Depends. Online sessions, which make up the vast majority of my playing and least favorite, usually run two – two and a half hours. In person games (oh how I miss you) would run a good six hours… even longer sometimes. My personal record was an…

#RPGaDay2022 Days 18-19 — Where & Why?

DAY EIGHTEEN WHERE IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE TO PLAY? I’ve played lots of places, naturally. I’ve been at this a long time. 44 years this coming Christmas. It started at my parent’s dining table, then the dining tables of many a friend, book and game stores, abandoned night clubs and buildings, Ye Olde Carvers Club,…

#RPGaDay2022 Day 17 — Past, Present, or Future?

DAY SEVENTEEN PAST, PRESENT, OR FUTURE? WHEN IS YOUR FAVOURITE GAME SET? Let’s approach today’s prompt like this: Yesterday I called out my perfect game as being our own Occult Detective RPG, so with that in mind, a modern setting is my preferred choice, although it works fine in any era. There is something to…

#RPGaDay2022 Day 16 — The Perfect Game

DAY SIXTEEN WHAT WOULD BE YOUR PERFECT GAME? Ready for this? I mean, you do know my moniker, right? The answer is: I love a good mystery, especially when there is an occult/paranormal element to it. That’s why me and Connor created the Occult Detective RPG, so me and my friends could play out those…

#RPGaDay2022 Day 15 — Looking for a GM

DAY FIFTEEN WHO WOULD YOU LIKE TO GAMEMASTER FOR YOU? I’m assuming Robert E. Howard is out of bounds? My first choice would be my son. He has a tremendous imagination and a similar “worldview” when it comes to tabletop. He just has a lot less accumulated baggage. I presume this day’s question is trying…