Alt-Magic Campaign Character Spotlight: Tim Chainbreaker

Tim was born to the Sartoris family of high elves in the Kingdom of Gandryll to upper class silk traders. He was an only child. His given name was Timarkian Sartoris. His father was disappointed that Tim did not share his mathematical aptitude and didn’t seem to be interested in anything except juggling and reading…

Alt-Magic Campaign Character Spotlight: Abraxas Silvermane

Who is Abraxas Silvermane you ask? Why you care, I know not. I only know that you read this now, and I know that you shall continue to read until there is nothing left to be read. Very well, I will tell you my story. I am Abraxas Silvermane, son of Ladonna Kilraven and apparently…

Alt-Magic Campaign Character Spotlight: Jone Constance

Running the back alleys and main streets of Shadowvale always appealed to Jone Constance.  A superb tongue, even at an early age, allowed him to con many a creature out of their treasures with just a wink and a smile.  His keen intellect only fueled his schemes. When a sharp mind and biting tongue weren’t…

Alt-Magic Campaign Character Spotlight: Kelwyn

Far to the north, along the Crossed Swords Coast, a child was born to a fisherman and his wife in their humble cottage on the border of Stahlkrahe and Vispania. They were of little means but cared for their son immensely. Kelwyn was a very curious child and asked lots of questions, questions his simple…